Lanna Dog Welfare

Animal welfare is human welfare



Thank you for supporting the animal welfare bill from the TSPCA แถลงการณ์ขอบคุณผู้สนับสนุน พรบ.ป้องกันการทารุณสัตว์ จากสมาคมป้องกันการทารุณสัตว์แห่งประเทศไทย

By LannaDog

 After a long fight from the TSPCA and many community sectors, parliament has passed the first Thailand animal welfare bill.  The TSPCA, as the core organization in this matter, made a thank you statement to all sectors for helping to push this bill through. The bill has to be approved for the 2 and 3rd readings before taking effect.

The main impact of having an animal welfare bill is

1. Animals will be interpreted as living creatures and not material property

2. Cruelty will be interpreted according to five freedoms, including irresponsible owners, and animal abandonment and maltreatment, which can result in jail sentences.

3. The penalty will not be a small fine, but one 10-100 times more, and maltreatment of animals will be treated as a criminal offence that could carry a jail sentence.

This also provides new hope for stopping the dog meat business in Thailand.


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