Lanna Dog Welfare

Animal welfare is human welfare



Completion of the 3rd Monk training program on Animal Welfare

By LannaDog



Monk training workshop in honour of the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai

Lanna Dog Welfare was  highly delighted to organize a monk training program on animal welfare and first aid for temple dogs in cooperation with Blue Tail Animal Aid International and supported by World Animal Protection,in order to honour Phratep Pariyat as a role model for compassion towards temple animals.

After a 3 days of intensive training, including the theory of animal welfare and first aid, hands-on practice in field sterilzation and field temple visits, 12 monks from 6 temples received a certificate from the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai.

It was a very impressive and successful program. The Venerable abbot of Chiang Mai appreciated this project very much and asked people and organizations to donate for further monk training. There are over 1,600 temples in Chiang Mai, and most of them are struggling to take care of abandoned animals, especially when they are sick and without population control. We were very impressed with an abbot from Wat Sopanaram, who will soon be 66 years old. Although he is very busy with the community, he still came to this training and exchange experience with us. He learned modern medicine, while experiencing traditional remedies. It was pleasing to see him at a temple that had a dog with problems to its hip, due to a car accident. The Abbot applied traditional oil that had been made by himself and massaged it into the dog.

It proved to be wonderful training. We hope to get support for further training.


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