Animal welfare is human welfare
By LannaDog
Faculty of Medicine
Thirty dogs and cats were sterilized on January 7th, 2017. The progression here has been a health check program in addition to sterilization for the last 2 years. Triple cooperation is between Lanna Dog, the Livestock Office and Faculty of Medicine. The animal population in the hospital area has been controlled, and humans and animals can live together in harmony, and there have been no complaints about dog bites, bad hygeine, or dog fights. Many people brought their dogs to have a health check, vaccination, deworming and tick and flea prevention. It was nice to see some dogs and cats that had been sterilized previously return to have an annual health check, which means that the basic knowledge of population control increases a good attitude towards animal welfare.
photo coming soon
By LannaDog
By LannaDog
TSPCA annual meeting held on 23 -24 July at Cape Racha hotel, Chon Buri regarding summary of events one year after passing the animal welfare bill.
This meeting was very intensive, with fruitful discussions among various expert organizations, including the government sector, animal groups, lawyers, etc. Much inspiration came from people who have been dedicated to fight for the first Thai animal bill. The TSPCA has summarized the cases of complaints and use of the animal welfare bill over the past years. It also established a hotline for complaints and advice on how to deal with cruelty to animals. More education for communities and officers who enforce the bill is needed for better understanding. For more information, please visit the TSPCA website.
Over One Year : Enforcement Under The Cruelty Prevention and Animal Welfare Act “The Real One: 2 Years Jail & 40,000 Baht Fine”
By LannaDog
Lanna Dog Welfare was delight to sign an MOU with the Provincial Livestock Office on March 22, 2016, in order to work together in the Chiang Mai model for establishing a rabies free zone under the policy of a rabies free zone, to be implemented by 2020 according to WHO and OIE standards.
With collaboration in the Chiang Mai Model for a Rabies free zone by 2020, we all agree to support and provide mutual contributions in order to achieve our goal.
- Humane Dog population control
- Systematic Animal data base
- Scientific evaluation of rabies vaccination
- Collaboration with international organizations for scientific development in this area
- Community regulation towards a sustainable rabies free zone
By LannaDog
Monk training workshop in honour of the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai
Lanna Dog Welfare was highly delighted to organize a monk training program on animal welfare and first aid for temple dogs in cooperation with Blue Tail Animal Aid International and supported by World Animal Protection,in order to honour Phratep Pariyat as a role model for compassion towards temple animals.
After a 3 days of intensive training, including the theory of animal welfare and first aid, hands-on practice in field sterilzation and field temple visits, 12 monks from 6 temples received a certificate from the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai.
It was a very impressive and successful program. The Venerable abbot of Chiang Mai appreciated this project very much and asked people and organizations to donate for further monk training. There are over 1,600 temples in Chiang Mai, and most of them are struggling to take care of abandoned animals, especially when they are sick and without population control. We were very impressed with an abbot from Wat Sopanaram, who will soon be 66 years old. Although he is very busy with the community, he still came to this training and exchange experience with us. He learned modern medicine, while experiencing traditional remedies. It was pleasing to see him at a temple that had a dog with problems to its hip, due to a car accident. The Abbot applied traditional oil that had been made by himself and massaged it into the dog.
It proved to be wonderful training. We hope to get support for further training.
By LannaDog
In order to organize the monk training, Lanna Dog Welfare has to survey each temple regarding the dogs and cats that live in them. We were very busy every week in driving between the temples in order to pay them a visit. This time, we have plans for temples in Sansai and Maerim, on the outskirts of Chiang Mai. We explained our objectives to the abbots and exchanged our experience on how the temples manage their stray dogs.
The surveys were very impressive and we could feel a compassionate atmosphere or Metta in a Buddhist sense. Each temple is unique. We were amazed that Maeyuak Temple now has over 130 abandoned dogs, and they were all sterilized. The Abbot arranged a “cleaning day” every Sunday, when volunteers come to clean and wash each dog. We were fascinated that the abbot could recognize all of the dogs. When he was busy investigating, one of his dogs disappeared and he asked the monks and novices to go and look for it. Thousands of activities occurred in the temple during our visit, before the abbot went off to bless a couple of people who came to a big sack of dog food.
While we were sitting, 2 temple dogs came to sit near us, as if they wanted to participate in our conversation.
Other temple dogs were sitting around happily.
We are looking forward very much to starting our monk training soon.
By LannaDog
Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai
ในโอกาสเพื่อแสดงมุทิตาสการะและร่วมเฉลิมฉลองพิธีสมโภชพระคุณท่าน พระเทพปริยัติเป็นเจ้าคณะจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ล้านนาด็อกเวลแฟร์ ร่วมกับ บลูเทลแอนิมอลเอดอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล โดยการสนับสนุนขององค์กรพิทักษ์สัตว์แห่งโลก จะได้จัดโครงการอบรมพระภิกษุและสามเณรในเรื่องการปฐมพยาบาลขั้นต้นแก่สุนัขและแมวในวัดครั้งที่ 3 เพื่อให้สัตว์มีสุขภาพที่ดี วัดมีสุขอนามัยแวดล้อมที่สะอาดปลอดภัย โดยมีกำหนดการดังนี้
- ฝึกอบรมพระสงฆ์ สามเณร จัดในวันที่ 12 มีนาคม 2559 ณ ศูนย์การเรียนรู้ล้านนาด็อก บ้านฟ่อน อ.หางดง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่
- ทำหมันสุนัขและแมวของวัดต่างๆ ในวันเสาร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม 2559 ฝึกปฏิบัติการปฐมพยาบาลสัตว์พักฟื้นหลังผ่าตัดทำหมัน ที่วัด (แจ้งในภายหลัง)
- วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มีนาคม 2559 ลงพื้นที่เยี่ยมเยือนวัดต่างๆ ฝึกปฏิบัติวิธีการดูแลสัตว์ในวัดที่พระภิกษุสามเณรเข้ารับการอบรม
Monk training workshop in honour of the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai
Lanna Dog Welfare is highly delighted that the Sangha Patraic appointed Phratep Pariyat to be the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai.
Therefore, Lanna Dog Welfare will organize a monk training program on animal welfare and first aid for temple dogs in cooperation with Blue Tail Animal Aid International and supported by World Animal Protection,in order to honour Phratep Pariyat as a role model for compassion towards temple animals.
The workshop will be held as scheduled below
- March 12, workshop at Lanna Dog Education Center
- March 19, Field sterilization of temple dogs and monk practice on wound care for sterilized animals.
- March 20, Field visit to different temples, demonstration of animal care and exchange experience from monks in each temple
Presentation of a first aid box for temples and certification at the end of the event will be made by the Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai.
By LannaDog
We never stop improving our field sterilization. Besides sterilization, we have started mobile healthcare for animals. It was an active Saturday at the Faculty of Medicine, where we have run the health and environmental promotion and zoonosis prevention over the last 8 years. Thirty five dogs and cats were brought by venders, guards, and faculty staff and sterilized. We had health checks, rabies vaccination, tick and flea spotting, deworming, detection of parasites and skin infection by microscope and EKG examination. Sterilized animals from previous years came for a health check and 42 animals were well cared for and checked by Faculty of Veterinary staff. Lanna Dog Welfare thank Chiang Mai Provincial Livestock and the Faculty of Veterinary for their great work . Our input on animal welfare was successful.
By LannaDog
Lanna Dog Welfare is very pleased to have celebrated the WRD and WAD by training monks in animal handling and temple dog sterilization. These activities are under the project of management of stray dogs using a Buddhist approach. The Venerable Abbot of Chiang Mai; Phra Tep Pariyad has kindly supported this project as a proposed model of temple dog management .
The first activity of this cooperation was a workshop held on 26th September at Lanna Dogs Education Center to train monks in taking care of temple dogs and temple dog sterilization will be heldat Wat Jed Yod temple on 3rd and 4th October. The entire training program will end by visiting temples and practicing health care for dogs. All the temples visited will be presented with a first aud box for dogs and a poster on animal care. This program is a cooperation between Lanna Dog Welfare and Blue Tail Aid International and supported by World Animal Protection.
By LannaDog
Rabies vaccination training was carried out for the second time at Suthep sub-district with the collaboration of Blue Tail Animal Aid international and Lanna Dog Welfare. Over 80 livestock and health volunteers attended this training. It was a lot of fun, like edutainment, as participants aged 30 to 70 years were involved. The theoretical lecture included dog anatomy, dog behavior, how to handle animals safely, sterile technique and how to store rabies vaccine . Every one learned the practice of rabies vaccination on dummy skins before going out in the field. Although it was a hot day, visiting the community while it prepared a ceremony for making merit was amazing. Many thanks go to Khun Noi Nattagit, chief of the Suthep sub-district health and environment office, for her valuable support.
By LannaDog
It took several months to plan the capture of over 80 stray dogs at the ROTC 33 army camp. The key point was how to capture the dogs in a pack humanely and treat them gently and compassionately. Maj. Supalerk and his staff performed a very well in catching and sterilizing 14 animals. LDW also vaccinated the dogs against rabies and tagged them with collars that showed they had been sterilized. We truly appreciate the help from the army, who acted outside their normal line of duty.
By LannaDog
The meeting for mayors, municipality clerks and Chiang Mai deputy governors on March 11, 2015 was very successful. Lanna Dog Welfare presented a power point presentation on the cooperation between LDW and WAP in the topic; “Chiang Mai model: a case study for ASEAN 2015”. The evaluation and competition on Rabies free zone management was introduced to over 400 local authorities and policy makers.
We reported that Sobtia, an agro-cultural rich sub-district has been selected by WAP to present a model for rabies management by the community itself.
Nineteen certificates were awarded to 6 sub-districts. The Tokyo-Chiang Mai World Rabies Day Conference for 2015 was advertised at this meeting.
The Sobtia, Luangnuea and Sannameng sub-districts, which participated in the competition and evaluation, obtained the awards from the deputy’s governor. This was a great honor for those participants and the event has promoted the Chiang Mai model project to all authorities as well as giving our rabies work recognition nationwide. In addition, two local sub-district authorities contacted us and showed interest in our activities.
The outcome of the poster and video competitions were as follows:
Poster competition
Winner : Sobtia sub-district
Runner up: Luang Nuea and Muang Len sub-districts
Video competition
Winner : Sobtia
Runner up : Nongjom and Muang Len sub-districts
Consolation : Harn Kaew sub-district
ล้านนาด็อกเวลแฟร์และองค์กรพิทักษ์สัตว์แห่งโลกมอบเกียรติบัตรรางวัลชนะเลิศในการประกวดการจัดทำวิดีโอ และชนะเลิศการจัดทำโปสเตอร์ คราวสัมนาโตเกียว-เชียงใหม่ วันโรคพิษสุนัขบ้าโลก 2014 และประกาศนียบัตรผลการประเมินคุณภาพการสร้างพื้นที่ปลอดโรคพิษสุนัขบ้าในด้านการบริหารจัดการ ด้านสวัสดิภาพสัตว์ และ ด้านความยั่งยืน โดยรองผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ในการประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพในการ บริหารงานขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นครั้งนี้ เมื่อวันที่ 11 มีนาคม 2558
นอกจากนี้ล้านนาด็อกเวลแฟร์และองค์กรพิทักษ์สัตว์แห่งโลก ประเทศไทยได้นำเสนอในที่ประชุมในหัวข้อ “เชียงใหม่โมเดล กรณีศึกษาสู่อาเชียนปี 2020” และการเลือก“สบเตี๊ยะโมเดล” เป็นตัวอย่างในระดับนานาชาติ ภาพกิจกรรมลงพื้นที่ของผู้เชี่ยวชาญ เพื่อ เชิญชวนองค์กรปกครองท้องถิ่นเข้าร่วมโครงการประเมินซึ่งปี 2558 นี้ จะจัดขึ้นในวันโรคพิษสุนัขบ้าโลกในเดือนกันยายน ร่วมกับสถาบันควบคุมโรคติดต่อแห่งชาติ ประเทศญี่ปุ่น