Lanna Dog Welfare

Animal welfare is human welfare



Tod Pa Pah ทอดผ้าป่า

By LannaDog




เพื่อเป็นอนุสรณ์แก่มิสซิสโรชาน  ดันจิบอย ผู้ก่อตั้งล้านนาด็อกเรสคิว

ทอด ณ ศูนย์การเรียนรู้และส่งเสริมสวัสดิภาพสัตว์

บ้านฟ่อน ตำบลหนองควาย อำเภอหางดง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่

วันอาทิตย์ที่  ๑๐  กรกฎาคม  พ.ศ.  ๒๕๕๔ เวลา ๐๙.๓๐ น.

รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมโปรดติดต่อ 085-0407535

Tod Pa Pah ceremony

Lanna Dog is going to hold a Tod Pa Pah ceremony on Sunday 10th July, 2011 at our Lanna Dog Center. The aim of the Tod Pa Pah is to raise funds in Memory of Roshan, a Lanna Dog founder member, to continue her intention to promote Animal Welfare activities.

Tod Pa Pah is a Thai Traditional culture, which is performed in order to make merit, especially to the temple. Temples in Thailand have been connected closely with the community, which will prepare a donation tree for the temple to use for temple purposes.

Lanna Dog has many activities, especially regarding humane dog population control with cooperation from communities and local governments. We have field sterilization sessions in different communities.  We need the community to work together with us to share our responsibilities and ensure the project’s sustainability.

Tod Pa Pah ceremony will be held in collaboration with the local community, government sector, village leaders, monks and friends of Lanna Dog, etc., and held at Lanna Dog Center. Any donations for this ceremony will be most appreciated.

For more information please contact 085 0407535


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