Successful training for rabies vaccination ฝึกอบรมฉีดวัคซีนเทศบาลตำบลสุเทพ
Rabies vaccination training was carried out for the second time at Suthep sub-district with the collaboration of Blue Tail Animal Aid international and Lanna Dog Welfare. Over 80 livestock and health volunteers attended this training. It was a lot of fun, like edutainment, as participants aged 30 to 70 years were involved. The theoretical lecture included dog anatomy, dog behavior, how to handle animals safely, sterile technique and how to store rabies vaccine . Every one learned the practice of rabies vaccination on dummy skins before going out in the field. Although it was a hot day, visiting the community while it prepared a ceremony for making merit was amazing. Many thanks go to Khun Noi Nattagit, chief of the Suthep sub-district health and environment office, for her valuable support.
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